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        Replicating the pinkish-blue color of Han River sky! LG Chem Engineering Materials Company, Color Development Team | We are One Team

        2024. 04. 12

        Working in isolation is not our style; instead, we thrive as a team. Through collaborative brainstorming and discussions, we refine our solutions. Only when we work as a team, not by ourselves, can we jump over the hurdles. Countless ‘We’s have gathered to build up LG Chem, a company proud to have a diversity of teams. ‘We are One Team’ is a series where we meet different teams that form LG Chem and hear their journeys and the driving force of their work.

        Today, we interview the Color Development Team of LG Chem’s Engineering Materials Company. It’s a team that researches and realizes various colors we find in engineering materials. Who are the people that form the Color Development Team, and how do they work?

        A color that reflects the feelings of its viewer

        Hello! What is the main job of Engineering Materials Company?

        Hi! Our main job is to develop colors of engineering plastics (EP) and respond to issues related to the colors of different EP materials. We are a team of 3 engineers who deal with color issues and colorant evaluations, and 1 designer who supports color development/approval, develops effect colors based on customer requests, and gives color suggestions to customers. Also, we have 1 representative who registers the developed color solutions on our system and transfers the real specimen, and 5 field engineers who actually develop the colors. Finally including our team manager, it’s 11 people working together.

        Color Development Team


        I suppose you have to follow a series of steps to develop the colors.

        Color development starts when our sales representative inputs a customer request on the color development inquiry system (Color.com). Based on this request, we examine the feasibility of the development. If there isn’t any issue, we select a colorant that can best realize the color with the material requested by our customer. We make the color solution, measure the amount of colorant, mix it with the material, and go through an extrusion and injection process. Once we get the specimen, we measure the data through our CCM (Computer Color Matching) device. After that, we cross-check with our naked-eyes that it does not have a defect and send the final version to our customer. Through a series of process from technology review, measurement of materials and colorants, mixing, extrusion and injection, CCM colorimetry, and naked-eye inspection, we finally complete the development of a new color.

        Color Development Team with RE:SOBAN SkyCoral Edition


        What are the challenges of developing a color?

        A color is more than just what we see from our eyes. It takes into consider what material is applied, condition of the material’s surface, and the feelings of its viewers. These things are a challenge of developing a new color. We make efforts such as preparing as diverse colorants as possible, objectifying the color through data on a CCM device to provide the optimal color that satisfies our customers’ needs.

        It’s the most rewarding moment when the color we developed with much effort is applied to actual products.

        Reproducing the sunset of Han River, the color of Seoul

        I heard that your recent project was to develop and apply
        the color of Seoul to Soban made of recycled plastics.

        SkyCoral was selected as the ‘2024 color of Seoul.’ It’s a color extracted from the sunset of Han River sky. Our team was assigned with the project of applying SkyCoral to RE:SOBAN, for which we collaborated with Designer Ha Jihoon. Since RE:SOBAN is made of recycled plastics, it tends to have a slightly darker color than traditional plastics. Therefore, our greatest focus was on finding the colorant that can embody a color of high chroma, like the color of Seoul, in a recycled plastic material. Through a number of sample tests, we finally discovered the colorant we wanted, and proceeded with the development of the color of Seoul.


        You had challenges during the procedure?

        We could embody SkyCoral on the sides without a problem, but it wasn’t as visible on the front. If we raised the content of the special colorant to brighten the front color, the side color would be different from what we intended. For several times, our teammates gathered around for brainstorming, which gave us the idea to ‘add another fluorescent colorant.’ By adding an existing fluorescent colorant to the special colorant that we’d developed, we could successfully realize SkyCoral not just on the sides, but also on the front.


        How did you feel when you saw RE:SOBAN SkyCoral edition?

        It’s the most rewarding moment when the color we developed with much effort is applied to actual products. Our teammates were overjoyed to see RE:SOBAN tinted with our own color. We hope to see more products that involve color development, especially for LG Chem’s eco-friendly brand ‘LETZero.’ One day, customers will notice by just looking at the logo ‘LETZero’ that it’s an eco-friendly product developed by LG Chem. I’m positive that our team will play a crucial role in bringing this dream to life.

        RE:SOBAN applied with 2024 color of Seoul, ‘Skycoral’


        The source of teamwork, a culture that rejects sense of distance

        We’ve overcome all difficulties through discussions and helping one another,based on each individual’s field experiences


        What are the strengths of the color development team?

        Each member of our team has a high sense of pride regarding the color development job. We believe that sales starts from color development. We’re a department that supports the company’s sales by developing colors, but unlike other supporting teams, our job involves direct communication with our customers when it comes to color approval. Being able to hear the customer’s voice and catch their needs definitely makes our team strong.

        Another strength is the teamwork. Our members come from various age groups and positions. Despite the differences in gender, age, and position, we don’t feel a sense of distance between each other, thanks to our team culture. At the end of each month, we hold a meeting to share important projects or results, and discuss things that require further improvement. Not only that, but we also use this opportunity to celebrate each other’s birthday or enjoy entertainments altogether. This close and friendly atmosphere owes to a culture of helping and leading each other at difficult times, even though we all have different professions like engineering, design, or development.


        How did you create this culture?

        First of all, our team manager approached us regardless of our position or age. When we experience challenges in our tasks, the manager notices first and asks ‘if we have any trouble,’ to give whatever support possible. Another Senior with long work and life experience also gives much care to us. Seeing this leadership, we learned to switch our eyes from not just doing our own works but to helping each other in what we can. We all face challenges at some point of our work, and we’ve overcome the difficulties by discussing the matters together and helping each other based on our different experiences.

        The color development team of Engineering Materials Company paid tribute to the team atmosphere as their driving force. It was impressive to see their close, friendly teamwork. Hopefully, the team will create more diverse colors based on this strong bond. Please keep your support for a bright future of the color development team!

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